Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Benzodiazepine Detox Boynton Beach - Summit Detox

What Do They Give You In Benzo Detox

Addiction starts to affect every aspect of someone’s life, from their work to their personal experiences. Even though quitting benzos can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, this is essential to recovery and living a life free from addiction. Withdrawing from benzodiazepines is a physically and emotionally taxing process, with a variety of painful symptoms.

How Long Does Benzo Detox LastHow Does Benzo Detox Work

People with a long history of use or who have been taking higher doses of a benzodiazepine will have the worst withdrawal symptoms. When someone is withdrawing from benzos, they will experience symptoms including:Disturbed sleepTremors of the handsPhysical tensionAnxiety and panic attacksHeadachesHeart palpitationsDifficulty concentratingStiffness and pain in the musclesDrug cravingsSome people experience much more severe symptoms alongside the common ones listed above.

When someone stops taking benzos, they are likely to experience an increase in anxiety and develop feelings of intense restlessness. It’s essential to distinguish between the rebound effect and the symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms appear as the body struggles to adapt to functioning without benzodiazepines, whereas the rebound effect is a return of symptoms that someone struggled with previously.

Withdrawal can be challenging to get through, and the assistance of a medical team makes it bearable for clients to get clean and sober. With benzodiazepines, the primary concern is preventing seizures, as they can lead to permanent brain damage or even be fatal. During medical benzodiazepine detox, professionals will monitor your vital signs and prescribe you medication, as necessary, to minimize your symptoms.

What Meds For Benzodiazepine Detox

That depends on the specific drug you are taking, and whether it is short- or long-acting. Short-acting benzos include alprazolam and lorazepam. These leave the body more quickly, with withdrawal symptoms beginning as soon as eight to 12 hours after last use. Benzos like clonazepam are long-acting, and people detoxing from these may not start experiencing symptoms until one or two days after cessation.

With short-acting benzodiazepines, symptoms usually peak on the second day of detox and start to improve around the fourth or fifth day. Longer-acting benzos can prolong the acute withdrawal phase for one to two weeks or more. Around 10 to 25% of people experience protracted withdrawal, where symptoms fluctuate for several months.

Typically, protracted withdrawal does not last longer than a year. Individuals who know they are addicted to benzos often have a hard time quitting because they’re scared of the detoxification process. They may have attempted to give it up on their own, and then relapsed once withdrawal symptoms started kicking in.

Medically supervised detoxification, like that provided by Summit Detox, is the safest way to get benzos out of your body’s system. Our team monitors all patients 24 hours a day to ensure they go through the process as comfortably as possible, but no two patients are the same. That’s why we establish an individualized treatment plan on day one to ensure a successful recovery.$web/index.html

How To Detox Benzodiazepine

As soon as you arrive at Summit Detox, you will have a medical and substance use assessment completed by staff. This step allows us to figure out how severe your addiction is and where you are in the withdrawal process. We can also determine your mental health at this point, as many patients with a benzo addiction suffer from a co-occurring disorder - how long does benzo detox last.

Once we have completed our evaluation, we will be able to create a treatment plan tailored to fit your comfort level and individual needs (how does hospital benzo detox work). The first aspect of detox is to get your system clean of all benzodiazepines. Our staff is well-acquainted with the withdrawal process and will be with you every step of the way, monitoring and offering support.

Unfortunately, depending on your level of addiction and dosage, severe symptoms can continue for 10 to 14 days or even a few weeks. No matter how serious your withdrawal side effects are, our staff will do what they can to make you as comfortable as possible. Depending on your individual preference as well as our psychiatric evaluation, your detox could include therapy sessions to help identify problem areas to focus on during the recovery process.

We’re committed to your continued success, which is why we recommend all our guests seek out rehab, counseling or another form of treatment to help you avoid relapse. These professional and compassionate settings give you the help you need to identify stressors that may have led to your addiction and to learn skills to deal with them so you can continue a life of sobriety.

How Does Benzo Detox Work

For example, physicians prescribe benzodiazepines alongside opioids in 33 to 50% of cases. This combination is highly dangerous, and nearly a third of opioid-related overdose deaths involve benzos. If you have abused other drugs with benzos, medical detox is even more crucial, as different drug combinations may have unpredictable impacts on the withdrawal process.

Getting clean is a notable achievement, but you must follow it up with rigorous treatment to begin and sustain long-term recovery. Stabilization is one of the most critical parts of recovery. The stabilization period is when people put theory into practice when it comes to managing drug cravings, coping with triggers and learning how to deal with any mental health issues they may have.

Entering a stabilization program directly after completing detox offers clients the best environment for beginning recovery. Therapy is how people learn about the roots of their addiction and how to address their thoughts and behaviors in healthy ways. However, therapy is not a one-stop shop, and anyone can benefit from continued therapy after detox and residential treatment.

What Is Benzo Medical DetoxHow Long Does A Benzo Detox Take

Here are three examples. When it’s hard to talk about or even identify complex emotions, it’s sometimes more effective to express yourself through the medium of art. CBT is invaluable in helping people identify illogical and harmful thoughts and behaviors, so they can change them for the better.: Unprocessed trauma is a frequent contributor to the development of addiction, and requires treatment for the best chance at sustained recovery.

How Does Benzo Detox Work

It’s hard to talk to people who don’t understand the pain and fear of addiction, so many people stop altogether. However, anyone willing to do the work to beat addiction and change their life deserves compassion, and support groups can be a powerful way to get it. Some trusted addiction support groups include:Narcotics AnonymousLifeRingRefuge RecoverySMART RecoveryParticipating in a support group helps you connect with others in a genuine, open manner without having to worry about judgment.

Many people with a benzo addiction attempt to go through the detox process on their own. Not only can this be hazardous to their health, but most end up relapsing because of the severe withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting and getting clean. That’s why you need a professional detox clinic like Summit Detox.

Benzo withdrawal symptoms timeline begins with acute withdrawal symptoms which usually start one to two days after the last dose for short-acting benzodiazepines, but may be as late as two to four days for long-acting benzodiazepines. Some people begin experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms in the hours between doses while actively using the drug.

Why Benzo Detox Is Difficult

Symptoms usually begin to taper off after the peak, and most people can expect the symptoms to resolve by 12 to 14 days after the last dose. Protracted withdrawal syndrome symptoms can begin to arise during the acute withdrawal period and can last for a year or more. The protected withdrawal syndrome symptoms often wax and wane, sometimes seeming to resolve and then re-emerging.

The benzo withdrawal seizure risk is high and unpredictable, with seizures being reported even in people who took a benzodiazepine at properly prescribed doses for less than 15 days. Of particular concern is the fact that benzodiazepine use can cause a persisting hyper-excitability in the brain, resulting in epilepsy. how long is benzo detox. A large clinical study showed that epilepsy can occur in low-dose users even after as little as one week of use.

Summit Detox
3330 N Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach, FL 33435
FWXQ+MR Boynton Beach, Florida

Medical Benzo Detox in Boynton Beach, FL
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